Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A Shawarma Is a Sandwich

Those who have been following DSI have likely memorized the Complete, Unambiguous Sandwich Definition, and should not be surprised that a shawarma is a sandwich.

A sharwarma, or course, is a Lebanese sandwich delicacy, like a wrap but with way more garlic. Seriously, I had one for lunch and I'm feeling woozy, as the garlic has made its way through my veins to the heart and brain. I think my cubicle neighbour is feeling woozy too.

But it was a tasty lunch: a fresh chicken shawarma with confident garlic, crunchy lettuce, ripe tomatoes and pungent pickles. And a side of potatoes. I scored a free lesson in how to eat a shawarma properly (rip the paper as you eat, don't unwrap it all the way or juices will flow down you hand, soaking your pants and soul) from Jason and Casey, two aficionados.

I'm flying to Vancouver tonight to experience Pacific northwest sandwiches. Hope the people sitting beside me on the plane don't mind garlic.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Quiznos vs. Subway

Today I lunched with DSI regular Steve at a nearby Quiznos Sub joint. I've had a coupon staring at my from my cubicle half-wall for some time, so I thought I would cash in on it today. Lately I don't make lunches on Monday mornings, allowing myself to extend the weekend with 10 more minutes of slumber.

I find Quiznos interesting. It has a great product: fresh bread, lightly toasted, juicy meats and tangy sauces. I respect the effort it has made to distinguish itself Subway, the restaurant chain with the most outlets in North America, according to QSR Magazine.

Quiznos is setting itself apart with good quality ingredients, more spacious interiors, smart customer service, and generally paying attention to the details. Today when Steve and I were finished eating, the manager came over and took our trays for us and asked how the meal was. I appreciate that.

Subway is no slouch either. They have fast service, low prices and the best cookies in the land. I just wish they were a little more attentive to their fountain pop consistency, and took a little more care when laying out the meat on my Subway Club.

There is no winner in this battle, partly because the two brands aren't trying to be the same. Different sandwich options, different price points, different experiences. Just depends how much cash you've got to burn, and whether you want cookies.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Complete, Unambiguous Sandwich Definition (CUSD)

CUSD Terms Explained

"Frame": The part of the sandwich you hold. e.g., bread, bun or wrap

"Essence": The filling. e.g., the cheese in a grilled cheese sandwich

The Definition

A sandwich is an assembly of food parts capable of being held without great hardship or mess.

All sandwiches possess a frame that covers some part of the essence. The frame must be made of a material that is in an edible state when the essence is added, and must have an outlet that exposes the essence before the first bite is taken. In other words, the frame may not completely surround the essence (e.g., a burrito), though the essence need not actually be visible.

The essence of a sandwich can be any substance, as long as it is not formed into a non-natural shape (e.g., any burger). Note, however, that a substance formed into a non-natural shape that is sliced and assembled within a frame as described above qualifies as a sandwich (e.g., salami).

In coming days I will provide more examples about what is, and what is not, a sandwich. Feel free to suggest your own examples.

I welcome your comments and questions. The definition seems airtight, but I know there are those who would like to see it defeated. If exceptions are noted, this definition may need to be altered.

But I doubt it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Prelude to the Definition of a Sandwich

Hey guys, listen up. Gary, put down that hoagie.

Okay, now that I have you all here, I want to go over something of vital importance to the entire raison d'etre of Discovery Sandwich International: the definition of a sandwich.

I know, I know, it’s be en done before. So called aficionados have pitched in their two cents on the essence of a sandwich. Well open your eyes to this, fools, here comes my ten dollars: The Complete, Unambiguous Sandwich Definition.

Other definitions have exceptions. Loopholes. Holes. Loops. CUSD? None.

Other definitions are rainbows of speculation. CUSD will be fact, in stark black and white.

Okay, pick that hoagie back up. For it is a sandwich, and CUSD is coming at you. Soon.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Mission: Discover the Edible

It is with great pleasure that I launch Discovery Sandwich International. I've always wanted to write about sandwiches; always wanted to be a sandwich critic, and now that day has come.

Now that this small dream has come true, I have decided to be less a "critic" and more a "complimentic", a word I just made up, focussing on the good in each and every sandwich discovered.

From my homebase in Canada's capital city, I will find, pay for, and eat any sandwich on the market, relating to you, dear reader, all that is tasty. Bon appetite! (for my American readers: Happy eating!).